Letters Archive

Working Week

Working Week

Five Whys

Five Whys
This letter encourages readers to approach complex problems with an open mind and persistence, using the example of the National Park Service solving the mystery of the Lincoln Memorial's dirtiness by asking "why" five times.

Judo's founder and his white belt

Judo's founder and his white belt
OK I've read these notes. Feel free to ask related questions, such as 'give me a summary of these notes in bullet points', 'what key questions does these notes answer', etc.

The empty cup

The empty cup
This letter discusses the importance of approaching life with an open mind, using the example of a Zen story about a professor who was too full of his own opinions to learn about Zen.

The first flight

The first flight
This letter encourages readers to pursue their passions and dedicate themselves to learning and improvement, using the example of the Wright brothers' journey in inventing the first powered airplane.

JK Rowling's Resilience

JK Rowling's Resilience
This letter tells the story of JK Rowling's resilience and dedication to her writing, inspiring readers to persevere in their own dreams and reminding them that sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of magic to make things happen.

1001 Nights

1001 Nights
This letter discusses the concept of cliffhangers and their ability to keep readers engaged, using the example of Scheherazade from "The 1001 Nights".

The Koan of the Farmer and His Horse: Lessons on Change and Perspective

The Koan of the Farmer and His Horse: Lessons on Change and Perspective
This letter presents a koan about a farmer and his horse, highlighting how our perceptions of good and bad luck can change over time and encouraging us to keep an open mind and be prepared for unexpected events.