Letters Archive

The sale of Manhattan

The sale of Manhattan
In 1626, Peter Minuit bought Manhattan Island from the Lenape tribe for a mere $24 worth of goods. But this seemingly insignificant transaction raises intriguing questions about what it means to truly own something.

Why is America called America?

Why is America called America?
The name America was derived from the Italian explorer Amerigo Vespucci, who discovered new lands and wrote about his experiences.

Astrolabe and Compass

Astrolabe and Compass
The invention of the magnetic compass in China around the 11th century was a game-changer, giving sailors a consistent way to determine direction.

Rules of Debate

Rules of Debate
Recognizing logical fallacies is just one important aspect of critical thinking, and knowing about them can help you make better, more sound arguments of your own.

Columbus makes his pitch

Columbus makes his pitch
Columbus had a big dream - to find a new route to Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic, and his persistence paid off when he finally received approval for his voyage in 1492.

Habit Formation

Habit Formation
Learn how to form good habits using the 3Rs of habit formation: Remember, Repeat, and Reward.

Running experiments with the Skinner box

Running experiments with the Skinner box
The Skinner box was a controlled environment for running experiments, and B.F. Skinner discovered that the timing and frequency of rewards could dramatically affect behavior

Skinner and his box

Skinner and his box
This letter introduces B.F. Skinner, an influential psychologist who expanded on Pavlov's ideas about classical conditioning and operant conditioning through his experiments with pigeons and rats in a 'Skinner box.'