Fear of the unknown


You know how the last few days have been a bit topsy-turvy? I’ve noticed it’s been causing you some stress, and that got me thinking about something really interesting that scientists who study how our minds work (we call them psychologists) have discovered. They talk about what they believe is our most basic fear - the fear of the unknown. Sounds pretty serious, right? But guess what? They’ve given it a fun nickname: FOTU! Doesn’t that sound like a silly monster name?

Usually, we think we know what’s going to happen in our day, don’t we? We expect to go to school and then come home afterwards. But sometimes, life throws us a curveball. Sometimes it’s a good surprise, like a special activity after school. Other times, it might be something not so exciting, like having to run an errand with me (I know, so boring!).

But occasionally, bigger changes come along. When things get uncertain, our first instinct is often to try and fix the problem right away. The tricky part is, sometimes we can’t fix it immediately. Sometimes we have to wait for more information, and that waiting can be really hard. It’s scary and uncertain. That’s when FOTU, our silly-named but not-so-silly fear, shows up!

So, how do we deal with FOTU? Here’s a little secret: we remind ourselves that we can handle whatever happens. Think about it - you’ve faced challenges before, haven’t you? Sure, they might not have been fun at the time, but you overcame them! Remember when you moved to another country? Or when you switched schools? Or attended new camps? Some of these experiences you loved, others… not so much. But you got through all of them!

Today, I have a little mission for you. Can you think about some of the changes you’ve managed in the past? Maybe write them down or tell me about them later? It’s like creating your own “I Can Handle This!” superhero list.

Remember, Rea, you’re braver and stronger than you know. And no matter what, I’m always here to help you face any FOTU that comes your way.

Love, Abba

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